Articles with the tag "gotime"

Jon on the Go Time Podcast!

I was lucky enough to be invited onto the popular Go Time to discuss things like Gophercises, experiencing the joy programming, and more. If you want to check it out you can use the widget below to listen, visit the website ( to download an MP3, and lastly you can probably find the episodes anywhere else you typically consume podcasts (I have only verified Go Time is on Google Music and Apple Music).

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Articles and Tutorials by
Jon Calhoun

Jon Calhoun is a full stack web developer who teaches about Go, web development, algorithms, and anything programming. If you haven't already, you should totally check out his Go courses.

Previously, Jon worked at several statups including co-founding EasyPost, a shipping API used by several fortune 500 companies. Prior to that Jon worked at Google, competed at world finals in programming competitions, and has been programming since he was a child.

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