Much like the exercises in Gophercises, this exercise is designed to help developers continue learning Go. In this particular series we look at how one might approach building an application to power a personal blog. This entails looking at things like a web server, interacting with markdown files, caching, and more.
Outline Basic blog Markdown to HTML Frontmatter Index Page Aside Parser Github v1 Tailwind CSS Deploy Github Webhooks Optimizing: cache? Optimizing: goroutines Feature: Specify subdirectory and ignore files Feature: Pagination Optional: Redesign as a backfiller that we run at startup, then have a service that can deliver blog posts as it runs? - Right now we need to load ALL posts to sort by creation date or anything else - We need ALL posts to filter the ones with a specific tag if we support tags - We could redesign this as a system that pulls from GH and populates something else to run the page from.
Interfaces in Go are going to be a foreign concept to many developers. In this series we explore what interfaces are, why they are useful in a dynamically typed language, and how the subtle differences from other languages have a big impact on how interfaces are used effectively in Go.
In this series we explore using concurrency with Go. From using a WaitGroup to let various goroutines finish doing work, all the way to more complex patterns involving channels, fan-out, fan-in, and more.
In this series we explore various aspects of working remotely your home.
In this series we explore how you might structure an application written in Go. We start by examining why it is so hard for everyone to just agree on a universal structure, and then dive into a few various options looking at the pros and cons of each. By the end you should have a solid understanding of how to go about deciding what structure is best for your context when you start your next application in Go. We will mostly focus on web applications, but the overall message applies for almost all apps written in Go.
Jon Calhoun is a full stack web developer who teaches about Go, web development, algorithms, and anything programming. If you haven't already, you should totally check out his Go courses.
Previously, Jon worked at several statups including co-founding EasyPost, a shipping API used by several fortune 500 companies. Prior to that Jon worked at Google, competed at world finals in programming competitions, and has been programming since he was a child.
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