This series introduces the html/template
package included in Go’s standard library, and then continues to talk about various aspects of it including contextual encoding, how to use actions like if/else and other, how to use functions and define new ones to be made available in your templates, and finally how to put all together to create a reusable view layer.
In the first article of this series we focus on creating a relatively simple, logicless template and explore how using variable data in different contexts can result in different outputs. This is called contextual encoding, and is a really neat feature provided by the Go templating packages (most notably the html/template
After creating some basic templates we are ready to start adding logic to them. This article explains how to use some of the more common actions like if/else blocks and ranges to iterate over slices and maps. Finally we look at how to embed templates, since this is incredibly helpful for avoiding constant repition in templates.
Actions allow us to perform some basic operations inside of our templates, but at some point they likely won’t be enough. In this article we discuss how to use functions inside of our templates, as well as how to provide custom functions that enable us to write much simpler template code while not giving up any flexibility in how we render dynamic content.
In this article we learn how to create a reusable view layer with things we have learned in previous articles plus a few new techniques. This includes creating a shared layout, defining default templates that can be overridden, and including the same templates across various pages without putting all of the code into a single file.
Even if you don’t use MVC in your applications (I don’t), this is still an incredibly useful article in learning how to build reusable views to simplify HTML output.
In my course - Web Development with Go - we use the html/template
package to build out an entire view layer for a realistic application. If you have ever wondered how all of these pieces fit together in the scope of a complete web application, I suggest you check out the course.
If you sign up for my mailing list (down there ↓over there →) I'll send you a FREE sample so you can see if it is for you. The sample includes over 2.5 hours of screencasts and the first few chapters from the book.
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Jon Calhoun is a full stack web developer who teaches about Go, web development, algorithms, and anything programming. If you haven't already, you should totally check out his Go courses.
Previously, Jon worked at several statups including co-founding EasyPost, a shipping API used by several fortune 500 companies. Prior to that Jon worked at Google, competed at world finals in programming competitions, and has been programming since he was a child.
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